MiR, that is distributed by K.L.A.IN.robotics, is the acronym of “Mobile Industrial Robots”, a Danish company that has tripled its turnover in just one year and aims to reach € 27 million by 2018. The driver of this growth was the technological development that earned him numerous awards and recognitions as an innovative product in the field of internal logistics. MiR produces AMR, Autonomous Mobile Robot, truly autonomous collaborative robots. This robot has the peculiarity of not using external sensors to it and having a continuous feedback from those mounted for a correct navigation. This navigation dynamically adapts as it is sufficient to use two positions and the robot will calculate autonomously each time the shortest route to move from one location to another. After processing the various solutions available, he is able to instantly choose the best one in terms of space / time ratio. It also has the ability to communicate with other machines and therefore to do enslavement and / or be enslaved. It is also autonomous in recharging, regulated by the internal software. It is possible to mount additional cameras for greater precision and by default uses an Intel 3D Real Sense camera to optimize navigation (it is used only for this purpose and not in the safety circuit). If there is a fixed or mobile obstacle, such as a person in transit, it is programmed to find a different trajectory and bypass it. The use, at least for now, is only intended for indoor use, to avoid malfunctions due to interference from sunlight with sensors or infiltration of liquids. MiR is a product that can be used in companies of any sector, where it is necessary to move components or equipment between different departments.

Taken from ‘Il Sole 24 Ore” dated 20 June 2018